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An artist, Advaita Tantra Teacher and founder of the Flowing Wakefulness organisation, Igor Kufayev has been serving as a conduit of transmission for awakening towards the new era of heart-centered consciousness for over two decades. Speaking from a direct realisation of Oneness, he inspires all seekers of truth to recognise the fullest potential present in human birth. Many have been touched by Grace and awakened in his presence as he continues working towards building a global community to serve as a container for exploring possibilities for alternative, consciousness-based culture. His first book, “Camatkāra: The Hidden Path,” is a compelling exposition on life’s purpose based on a unique Tantric perspective and verified by the lifelong experience of an artist. Igor currently resides in Mallorca with his partner Amrita Ma Devi and their three children.


Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine

Excerpt from Camatkāra: The Hidden Path, by Igor Kufayev

Summer, 2023

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