The Goddess as the Power of
Self Transformation in Tantric Shaivism
The Goddess as the Power of Self Transformation in Tantric Shaivism
Igor Kufayev
This book is a broad, bold explorative coalescence in the expanse of consciousness. An ongoing revitalization of the methodical exacting precepts of Tantra, among time-honored traditions known for safeguarding knowledge around a protractedly misrepresented, little understood somatic process.
This title has been brought forth from oral tradition into written form, abiding in three integral parts: perennial philosophy, intricacy of process, and refinement of integration. A trilogy rendered precise yet penetrable – through the life and work of sage, artist, father, and spiritual teacher, Igor Kufayev – as a fully applicable study guide for the comprehensive understanding of a most profound and unpredictable fortuity. Perhaps the most sought after; aversion inducing, enigmatic apex in all of spirituality; the most coveted transformative experience available to a human being.
In the postmodern era where what remains of human value systems perplexingly crumble beneath semblances, simultaneously, an uninterrupted vigilance resounds the call for the rise of more consciousness. This fomentation echoes in the rapid surge of awakening experiences taking place today in all their exigency, volatility and evolutionary upheaval. This book, an offering of that call, in manner both meticulous and amending, embark the reader on a voyage, serving as vessel, roadmap and lighthouse for the most unparalleled imposing journey the preciousness of human birth affords. Shining its harbour-light on the writer, director, producer, star, cast, crew and locale of the greatest show in town…the phenomenal existential terrestrial quest for the return to alchemical wholeness.
From the Introduction
“…My inclinations are to view this work as part of an extraordinary display of its own power as it interacts within itself for the sake of its own creative freedom, endowed with an infinitude of expressions, including concealing and revealing itself along the way, with each and every role arranged to heighten the impact of cosmic drama. Where you and I are but figments of its untamed imagination. At times clad as if adorned in attributes only to be stripped of the layers depending on the act of its uncreated ever-unfolding grand performance…
Self recognition is not a mental process – for the so-called ‘direct path’ to work, the operating power of will needs to take over. For any change to be permanent, it needs to take place at the level of the physiology, at the DNA level. Just as the body could be seen as the root cause of false identity, the body is likewise where self-recognition is being established. The physiology is where consciousness is crystallised and it is in the body where it is molten again…
To redress this, the Trika Shaivite perspective has been chosen to give a sweeping overview of Kundalini as a divinity of the highest order whose power is second to none, and who is worshipped as the Goddess in the respective Tantras…”
—Igor Kufayev
From the Foreword
“…The book you are now holding in hand is as close to a living transmission as one can get through reading a text that is indeed taken from in-the-moment teaching sessions that Igor Kufayev gave to students who have formed a living, ‘energy-transmission’ [shaktipat] community around him. You will hear his clear voice as your eyes glean the scholarly explanations and personal insights in each sentence, paragraph and chapter. You will perhaps also feel the energies that he describes as awakened in him and how that occurred in his being and how it can awaken in you, or be guided by you, if already awakened. Thus, this book is a living, practise-oriented and trustworthy guide written by an energy transmission teacher…”
—Stuart Sovatsky, PhD
President Emeritus, Association for Transpersonal Psychology,
Author, Words From the Soul: Time, East/West Spirituality and Psychotherapeutic Narratives
About the Author
For over two decades, founder of the not-for-profit Flowing Wakefulness organization, artist and spiritual teacher Igor Kufayev has been serving as conduit of transmission, in the name of the reification of potential in human birth. Upon the fulfillment of Self-realization, honoring a distinctively demanding call, he has gone on to inspire, initiate and guide awakening processes of sincere seekers the world over. Remarkable are his live events, taut and extended programs dubbed ‘immersions’, where rare and compelling possibilities dawn.
Of unique significance is amelioration, particularly for those finding themselves amidst throngs of symptomatology associated with the Kundalini process. Further, Igor continues to advance towards the actuality of the erection of a spiritual center, dedicated to the exploration of the boundless possibilities inherent within consciousness.